How To Set Up My Patient Portal
In order to help you set up your online patient portal we have created this guide to help you navigate how to set up your patient portal.
Step One:
Usually within 24 hours of your visit you will receive an email to join the patient portal: The email will look like the following email below.
Click on the "Access XXX records" Button.

Step 2:
Click on the "sign Up" portion of the available tab and enter in your information

Step 3:
Successfully put all your information in the box as described below.
Please note: The phone number that you use here should be the same number that you have given us on file.
Click "Sign up" once all your information is correctly entered into the boxes.

Step 4:
You will receive a conformation email for signing up.
Click on "Confirm my account"

Step 5:
Your account has been confirmed.
Go back to either the original email in step one to go pack to patient fusion website or go directly to

Step 6:
Once you've logged back in on you will then see this screen
Enter in the information and the mobile number you put in on step 3

Step 7:
Click the Verify button on the right hand side of the screen where it is asking you to finalize access to the chart.

Step 7:
Click the Verify button on the right hand side of the screen where it is asking you to finalize access to the chart.
You will be prompted to either enter a code in that we can provide to you or you can have the code sent via text message to you or via phone call.

Step 9:
Follow the prompts as above , enter in the code and you will then have full access to your chart.

Final Screen
Once you see this screen, then you are completely logged into your portal and can access your chart.